The International Remote Viewing Association

The International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA) was organized March 18, 1999, by selected scientists and practitioners meeting in Alamogordo, New Mexico in conjunction with the first professional conference on Remote Viewing in Ruiduso, New Mexico. The concluded objective was to create an organization that would provide a mechanism for evaluating the discipline called “remote viewing”, …

Pale Figure Caught on CCTV Sparks Debate Amongst Enthusiasts

Link to video The recent clip was shared with the captain “Here’s the video of the Pale creature caught on a security camera near Morehead, KT on July 9, 2022. Currently the total amount of views of the clip is over 500,000. Over 2000 Twitter users were very intrigued by the video and had a …

Phantoms Haunt St. James Theater

For many decades the St. James Theater has been known to host several residential ghosts that cause many actors stage freight. Since 1912 the 110-year-old St. James Theater is the official home of the Royal New Zealand Ballet. Many of the dancers reported feeling watched, having their hair pulled, and hearing whispers from behind the …

NASA Joins UFO Research Efforts to Prove Extraterrestrial Life

U.F.O.’s is a hot topic in many magazines, publications, feature films, interviews on radio shows, and much more. This week NASA is announcing they will be financing a study that will look at unexplained sightings with an open mind. On Thursday the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine did a power point presentation on …

Phantom Detectives New T-shirt Designs

Upcoming Pennsylvania paranormal investigation team Phantom Detectives LLC released their new t-shirt designs for all their fans, family members, and supporters who have been with the team since their inception when they started in August of 2020. The new t-shirt designs were done by both Rajdeep Saha and by team Lead Investigator/Tech Manager/Director of Client …

World’s Most Haunted with UFO Sightings/Vanishings

Hoja Bacui Forest in Romania has been long mentioned as the Bermuda Triangle of Romania where UFOs disappear, strange occurrences happen, and reported paranormal activity happens every night. For the past 12 years the world’s most haunted forest in which many communities have vanished without a trace has been documented by enthusiasts. UFOS are spotted …

Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure

One evening in January 1973, fourteen-year-old Dolly Safran gazed out the window of her home near the Florida Everglades. Without warning, a UFO dropped from the sky and hovered in her backyard. To her shock, Dolly could see thin gray-skinned figures with large dark eyes staring back at her. Frightened, she dived under her bed …

Art Bell Takes His Final Ride

On Wednesday April 13, 2022, it will be the four-year anniversary of the late Art Bell’s passing. Our staff here at Dark Matter News always remember his contributions to late night talk radio. Original Dark Matter News creator Leo Ashcraft remembers the moment he got a call from Art asking him to be his affiliate …

John Lear Flies Into The After Life

The late Nevada aviator John Lear’s death on Thursday March 30, 2022, sent shockwaves through the Conspiracy, UFO, and Aviation communities. John Lear was one of the late Art Bell’s first guests after the late-night talk show host changed his shows format from politics. 1n 1968 he raced a Douglas B26 Invader into the Reno …

ERC- Extraterrestrial Research Center

Please visit our website to report a Sighting or event such as a UFO sighting or other type of extra terrestrial event. We also offer educational material for people interested in ufology (the study of UFO’s), videos on the subject of UFO’s, as well the latest in Research and featured cases that we have investigated. …