On May 18th and 19th 2024 Spring City, PA will be home to the largest paranormal conference on the East Coast. Many of the top paranormal investigation organizations will be visiting to meet with the public. People visiting Pennhurst Paracon 2024 will have access to all the major stars of the paranormal investigation world. In addition, they will be able to meet with different vendors. Each member of the public will be able to attend lectures, ask questions to the stars, get pictures taken, have autographs signed, and much more. Each vendor table will also have different items available to purchase for the public. Some vendor tables will have books, t-shirts, hats, hoodies, paranormal investigation equipment, books, signed photos, and more. These paranormal investigation organizations normally have very limited time to attend Paracons. Many of the top paranormal investigation organizations attending Pennhurst Paracon 2024 are featured on television.
The first of the teams that will be attending Pennhurst Paracon 2024 will be Ghost Hunters. Ghost Hunters consists of Jason Hawes, Steve Gonsalves, Dave Tango, and Shari Denedetti. Ghost Hunters will most likely be in Devon Hall as they were in May 2023. Project Fear/Destination Fear will be there as well. Dakota Laden, Chelsea Laden, Tanner Wiseman, and the other members will be signing autographs. Ghost Brothers Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass, and Marcus Harvey will be attending Pennhurst Paracon 2024 as well. Mountain Monsters will be returning in 2024 to meet with the public. Kindred Spirits will be in Devon Hall to sign to meet with everyone. Last year the longest lines were for Kindred Spirits and Ghost Hunters.
Besides the usual para-celebs that will be attending there will also be opportunities for the viewing public to walk around some of the old buildings of Pennhurst that are available. Buildings such as Philadelphia, Mayflower, Devon, and others will be accessible to many of the viewing public. The employees will be able to give tours of the different buildings to some of the public that attend depending on what time of the day it is.
In conclusion, Pennhurst Paracon 2024 appears to be the best one yet. Many of the big names from 2023 return along with many new faces. To order tickets for this event please go to https://pennhurstasylum.com/paracon-2024/. Dark Matter News will be there along with their parent company Phantom Detectives LLC. Psychic Medium Autumn Melissa will have her own table so feel free to stop by and see her.
There will be many different vendors setting up such as local paranormal investigation organizations, psychic mediums, tarot readers, and much more. Many of the featured vendors at Pennhurst Paracon are featured at the bottom of this article.