Just one day into the multi-week trial, an unnamed female juror was granted dismissal due to the woman’s claims of being visited by the deceased victim in the case.
Justice Glen Poelman received a letter from the juror which stated “I have a gift of being an intuitive and medium, and although I did not believe this gift would impact my ability to provide judgment on this case based solely on the facts presented before me in court … I am wrong.”
The Court of Queen’s Bench judge, read the contents of the letter into the court record, which offered this explanation;
“I can describe it as the ability to see, hear, feel, and sense those that have died or whom are about to be born. Last night the deceased presented himself to me and made me feel what he went through as he was being killed, the intensity of his injuries, and the location of his wounds. He also showed me information relating to those who beat, stabbed, and kicked him. I cannot get those horrible images out of my mind. I feel what he felt. I hear what he heard. He kept repeating the phrase ‘I’m sorry, I am so sorry, please tell my family I am sorry.’”