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The Lost Tribes of Bigfoot

“Paranormal author and rock journalist Maxim Furek has arrived as the21st-century incarnation of John Keel. In *The Lost Tribes of Bigfoot*,Furek explores the unchartered waters surrounding the cryptid’s forbiddenrealm in a rousing and controversial expose.” Doug Hajicek,Monster Quest In his latest book, The Lost Tribes of Bigfoot (2024) Maxim Furek, a formerpsychologist and rock journalist, delves into the intriguing world ofBigfoot synchronicity, embracing Interdimensional Theories, MassHallucinations, and Jung’s Collective Unconscious. Furek’s dedication to the subject is evident in the hundreds of accountsfrom researchers who strive to answer the question, “If it’s not flesh andblood, then what is it?” This question forms the heart of the author’sevocative thesis as he tirelessly scours American and Canadian records forevidence of this elusive cryptid. For centuries, early newspapers printed accounts of bipedal creatures,listed variously as “Wild Men,” “Hairy Giants,” or “Sasquatch,” a narrativethat has expanded into a larger scientific, religious, and paranormalreality. This reality, as Furek presents it, is a complex web of scientifictheories, religious interpretations, and paranormal phenomena thatintersect in the study of Bigfoot. Furek’s investigation into the tribes of true believers congregating atconferences, campsites, and online websites is a testament to their sharedphilosophy and “Bigfoot’s sociocultural energy.” He takes issue withhoaxers, whom he charges “have sold their souls,” but his respect for thebelievers is unwavering. The author challenges traditional beliefs about Bigfoot and encouragesreaders to embrace the seemingly impossible. After reading this book, yourperspective on Sasquatch will be forever changed as you look at traditionalscience, anthropology, and religion through a different lens and with adifferent expectation.


Carbondalien Festival 2024

CARBONDALIEN FESTIVAL MARKS 50th ANNIVERSARY OF RUSSELL PARK MYSTERY Join us for an Extraterrestrial Festival 50 years in the making! The Carbondale Arts Alliance will host theInaugural Carbondalien Festival on November 9th in downtown Carbondale from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.The Festival will commemorate Carbondale’s unique UFO past, celebrate local UFO culture and pay tributeto the curious happenings of November 9th, 1974. The event will include Out of this World vendors in partnership with Wyoming Valley Ghost Tours, localfood and spirits, live music, art, photo ops with costumed characters including Bigfoot and Star Wars StormTroopers by Garrison Carida. In addition there will be supernatural guest speakers, tethered Alien hot airballoon rides and an immersive theatrical ” Russell Park Experience ” at the 1974 Crash Site! An after-party isalso planned featuring guest speaker Heather Taddy, star of Paranormal State and Alien Highway. The Arts Alliance is pleased to be leading this effort which officially kicked off on October 9th when the AlienScavenger Hunt went live at to engage the public in a county-widesearch for Aliens created by artist JFO and displayed at local businesses. Partnerships for the project includemany local businesses and organizations who are also planning special ways to promote the Festival. On October 17, the Circle Drive-In will offer a special screening of Spaceballs, the 1987 classic parodyfilm.● Steamtown National Historic Site’s Iron Horse Society will offer the Extraterrestrial Express trainexcursion on the morning of the Festival departing Scranton at 10:45 am.● The Carbondale YMCA will offer The Alien Themed Open Swim from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm during theFestival● Carbondale Public Library has planned several programs to complement the Festival with an AlienTeen Bingo slated for October 29, and an Alien Storytime and Craft activity and an ExtraterrestrialFilm Festival of classic sci-fi favorites, also on the day

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