Underground Bases | 

by Nick George

UFO Crash Retrieval and Deep Underground Military Bases in 2024 – Ant Hill Near Coso Junction Inyo County California

I first of all want to thank Joshua Chaires the owner of https://darkmatternews.com/ for all of his
hardwork. If it wasn’t for Joshua Chaires this article would not be available to you to read today.

As an investigative journalist delving into the enigmatic world of Deep Underground Military Bases
(DUMBs) in California, the journey begins in a realm heavy with mystery and speculation. Despite
the abundant theories and claims surrounding these clandestine installations, verified evidence
and official disclosures remain elusive. These bases are often at the heart of conspiracy theories
that weave together narratives of covert government projects, cutting-edge technology, and even
alien involvement.

In the context of known military sites like the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, which often surfaces in
discussions about subterranean bases, the specifics of deep underground facilities in California
remain largely speculative. This void of verifiable information only deepens the intrigue, keeping the
public’s imagination captivated and investigative pursuits active as we strive to uncover the truth
behind these elusive deep underground military bases.

The allure of DUMBs has been significantly fueled by various media outlets, including books,
documentaries, and the digital discourse. Some suggest these underground fortresses serve not
only as hubs for secretive military endeavors and research but also as sanctuaries in anticipation of
global crises.

My goal was to find out what the latest news from most reliable source would be about the status of
the hunts for deep underground military bases in 2024. For a very long time the disclosure project
and Dr. Steven Greer have been a very trusted source of information in terms of crash retrievals and
many other areas of the alien phenomenon. Dr. Steven Greer has even had the luxury to brief former
presidents including Clinton.

I follow many different social media accounts concerning disclosure and crash retrievals. One page
and person that I can see has been putting the effort in on Instagram to further the conversation has
been CE5_Disclousure_Outreach which I strongly recommend you follow.

Helpful Information From The CE5 Team – Nate Wear coordinator of the CE-5 Disclosure Outreach project

During a balmy September evening, I had the privilege of engaging in a conversation with Mr. Nate
Wear, whose positive energy was immediately apparent. Our discussion delved into our shared
experiences with the paranormal and alien phenomena, areas where Nate has been a dedicated
contributor to the CE5 Team for over a decade. The synchronicities in our conversation were
striking, reinforcing my conviction that I am on the right path and speaking to the right person.

For those eager to advance their exploration of the paranormal, Nate Wear is an invaluable
resource, particularly regarding the Disclosure Project and the progress of the CSETI team. You can
connect with him on Instagram at @CE5_Disclosure_Outreach, where he is actively involved with a
team of proactive members in a rapidly expanding movement. The significance of this interaction
lies in the insightful information Nate shared regarding illegal operations, collective consciousness,
and the future of humanity. For those interested in conducting their research, the Disclosure
Project Archive
offers a wealth of resources.

This archive, which is accessible free of charge, contains thousands of documents, including Dr.
Steven Greer’s personal files a cache of documents, and a map which provides not only the
locations all DUMBs around the world but also information on each site. This invaluable service
from the CE5 Team is an excellent starting point for anyone seeking to uncover the truths hidden
within these enigmatic subjects.

Possible Locations of Deep Underground Military Bases – A Few Well-Known Locations

Amidst the swirling currents of speculation and intrigue, discussions often point to the existence of
Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) in remote or strategically significant regions of the
United States. States like Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, known for their underground
nuclear missile silos, frequently emerge in these theories due to their strategic military significance
and the natural concealment offered by the rugged terrain.

One particularly captivating point of interest within this realm of mystery is the so-called ‘ant hill’
located near Coso Junction in Lone Pine, Inyo County, California. This site, steeped in secrecy,
garners attention from the Disclosure Project and intrigues investigative minds due to its proximity
to the China lake Naval Air Weapons Station. As a journalist delving into this subject, the location’s
appeal is magnified by its geological features.

The Coso Volcanic Field, with its basaltic lava flows creating leveled terraces that erode to sheer
fronts, presents an ideal geological setting for subterranean construction. The solidified lava fields
form a natural roof, seemingly tailor-made for underground construction, adding a layer of
plausibility to the theories. This combination of strategic placement and geological suitability
invites a deeper exploration into what lies beneath, fueling both professional curiosity and the
imaginations of those drawn to the mysteries of the hidden world.

If you are interested in visiting this location and searching for evidence of a deep underground
military base. Here are the exact coordinates and picture of the perspective area to search in. The
potential for adventure, coupled with the allure of solving one of the many mysteries of our time,
ensures that this pursuit remains an endless source of fascination for both seasoned researchers
and curious newcomer. Please go and visit but pack accordingly and plan appropriately. If you find
anything of value I would love it if you would share it with me. You can reach out to me via the
discord or the voicemail available on the home page.

A Final Word on Deep Underground Military Bases – Can It Be Done?

One of the first things that people say to me when I broach the subject of secret underground bases
is that it would be impossible to keep such a thing a secret. When Oppenheimer made the atomic
bomb at Trinity it was kept secret until those wanted to share with the Russians did so.

During the construction of the bomb no one was the wiser. Perhaps we are just not at the end game
of these structures. Project RAND—an organization formed immediately after World War II to
connect military planning with research and development decisions—separated from the Douglas
Aircraft Company of Santa Monica, California, and became an independent, nonprofit organization.

Adopting its name from a contraction of the term research and development, the newly formed
entity was dedicated to furthering and promoting scientific, educational, and charitable purposes
for the public welfare and security of the United States. They published a report on the feasibility of
underground construction which you can read here.

This 500 page document not only says that it is doable but is relatively easy and should be done to
stay ahead of foreign powers. Although we have no hard evidence other than the few large scale
bases the US Government is willing to acknowledge many folks on Instagram and other social
media outlets have been able to post clues. I feel this subject is just starting to gain traction and will
be around for years to come. The video above was published by the History Channel just a few
years ago and is definitely worth a watching.

If you know about these bases or know someone who does we urge you come forward and share
with us. We will take every step protect your identity. Thanks again for your time and be sure to
share this article with anyone who you might think would be interested.

About the author

Nicholas George Jr., a multifaceted talent whose intriguing career intertwines the realms of
investigative journalism, web development, authorship, and SEO expertise. With a keen eye for the
mysterious and an incisive analytical approach, Nicholas steps into the spotlight with his debut
article on Dark Matter Digital News.

Known for his relentless pursuit of truth in the shadowy world of the paranormal, he brings a fresh
perspective to the platform, delving into the enigmatic events that continue to puzzle and fascinate.
His contributions promise to illuminate the ongoing disclosure process, combining his technical
savvy with a storyteller’s flair. Get ready to embark on a journey through the unknown, guided by the
insightful and compelling voice of Nicholas George.

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